Lava Agni 2 5G is set to launch in India on May 16 and the company has already teased the smartphone. The device is expected to come with a curved display and will be powered by MediaTek Dimensity 7050 processor. This smartphone is an upgraded version of Lava Agni 2021G, which was launched in November 5. The phone is expected to have a large rear camera module and will be available exclusively on Amazon.
The company tweeted the announcement with the hashtag "ahead of the curve", hinting at a curved display panel. The phone is expected to be priced around Rs 20,000 and will come in a shiny blue-green shade, as seen in the official teaser. It will have an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 7050 SoC, 8GB of RAM, 256GB of inbuilt storage, and will likely run on Android 13 out-of-the-box.
In terms of camera, the Lava Agni 2 5G is expected to come with a triple rear camera setup featuring a 64-megapixel primary sensor, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens and a 2-megapixel depth sensor. The phone may also feature a 16-megapixel front camera for selfies and video calls. The device is expected to come with a large battery with fast charging support.
In addition to these features, the phone is rumored to include 5G support, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and a USB Type-C port. The Lava Agni 2 5G is also expected to come with a range of sensors including an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, gyroscope, and proximity sensor. The device may also feature a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for added security.
As for the design, the promotional image suggests that the phone will have a sleek and modern look with a large camera module on the back. The curved display is also visible in the teaser image, hinting at a premium design.
With the launch just around the corner, it won't be long before we find out more about the Lava Agni 2 5G, including its pricing and availability in India.
--Posted By : Sonika
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