Apple iPhone 14 is now available on Flipkart with a heavy discount. Launched last year alongside the Apple iPhone 14 Pro and Plus, the device had a starting price of INR 79,900. With the launch of the Apple iPhone 15 series, Flipkart is now offering a significant discount on the phone. The Apple iPhone 14 is currently listed on Flipkart at INR 69,900. Additionally, buyers can take advantage of bank offers and exchange offers.
Flipkart is offering a 15% discount on this phone, bringing the price down from INR 69,900 to INR 58,999. If buyers make an HDFC Bank Credit Card EMI transaction, they will receive a discount of INR 750.
There is also an exchange offer available on the phone, where buyers can get up to INR 35,500 off. If buyers take advantage of the exchange offer, they can purchase the phone for INR 24,499. However, it is important to note that the value of the old phone in the exchange offer depends on its condition and model.
The Apple iPhone 14 runs on the same chipset as the Apple iPhone 13, but with more cores. It features a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display with a notch, similar to the iPhone 13, and a 12MP camera for video calls and selfies. On the back, the phone has a dual-camera setup with a 12MP sensor. Due to its similarity with the Apple iPhone 13, the Apple iPhone 14 failed to make a mark upon its launch.
If you have a Federal Bank Credit Card, you can get 10% off on your Credit Card and Credit EMI transactions. This offer is applicable on orders of Rs10,000 and above, and you can save up to Rs1,500. Make sure to check the terms and conditions to make the most of this offer.
In addition to the bank offer, you can also get a special price and avail an extra Rs10901 off on your purchases. This is a great opportunity to save big on your transactions and make the most of your shopping experience.
With these offers, you can make your purchases more affordable and enjoy great savings. Whether you're shopping for electronics, clothing, or any other products, these offers can help you get the best value for your money.
So don't miss out on these fantastic offers and start saving on your transactions today! Take advantage of these deals and make the most of your shopping experience. Happy shopping!
In conclusion, the Apple iPhone 14 is now available on Flipkart with a significant discount. Buyers can take advantage of bank offers and exchange offers to purchase the phone at a lower price. The phone features a 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display with a notch, a 12MP camera for video calls and selfies, and a dual-camera setup with a 12MP sensor on the back. While the device failed to make a mark upon its launch due to its similarity with the Apple iPhone 13, its current discounted price on Flipkart makes it an attractive option for buyers looking for a new phone.
--Posted By : santosh
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